7 events found.
Week of Events
Remote Bushcare @ Katoomba Creek
Remote Bushcare @ Katoomba Creek
Continue the great work done by volunteers along an exceptional and little visited section of the Katoomba Creek looking for mostly Broom, but also other weeds that threaten the World Heritage Area. Bushwalking and regeneration experience is essential for this trip as it involves off track walking, wading in the river and working with a […]
Jamison Creek Catchment Community Group Meeting
Jamison Creek Catchment Community Group Meeting
Quarterly meeting of the Jamison Creek Catchment Community Group. Grose/Megalong Conference Room, Blue Mountains City Council, 2-6 Civic Place Katoomba. Please contact Sue Cunningham (scunningham@bmcc.nsw.gov.au), James Bevan (jbevan@bmcc.nsw.gov.au) or call the Bushcare Office on 02 4780 5623 if you are interested in attending.