Despite a drizzly start to the morning, the Bushcare groups of the Fitzgeralds Creek Catchment gathered at Rickard Road Warrimoo for a stunning drive via 4WD convoy along Long Angle Creek to spend a fabulous day weeding Crofton Weed, Mistflower and Wild Tobacco. Cross St and Deanei Bushcare Groups and Long Angle Creek Landcare Group were all represented at this second “Catchment Care” day. The first was held last year when the groups worked on a more urban location near Hawkesbury Rd and focussed on Privet.
We were all delighted with the distance we covered along the creek, following up the primary work done since the 2013 bushfire burnt the area. It was a joy to work in the very special Melalueca Swamp, surrounded by Blue Gum River Flat Forest (one of the 5 Endangered Ecological Communities found in the Fitzgeralds Creek Catchment).
By getting together like this, groups reinforce each other’s work and energy is stimulated. It’s always a delight to share your site with new people and to connect with the other people working towards the same aim. Knowledge of the local ecology, particular plants (both weeds and natives), problems and solutions is shared in a convivial atmosphere while doing some constructive work and usually a scrumptious morning tea and lunch.
It seemed everbody came away with a better understanding of the issues in the catchment and the work being done by various means, including the grant funded bush regeneration work that was facilitated by the formation of the Fitzgeralds Creek Catchment Group.
At the end of the day I asked what the highlights were. Responses included:
- The waratahs (an incredible display of 100+ multi-stemmed plants in full bloom)
- Steve’s Melting Moments (Steve Barratt’s home baking is always a treat but these “took the cake”!)
- Not falling in to the creek
- Not getting stuck in the mud
- Getting stuck in the mud
- Learning a new native plant (Commersonia fraseri, or Black-fellow’s Hemp).