Meeting point: contact the Bushcare Officer
The Govetts Leap Catchment Group is an independent group of conservation volunteers with extensive experience in bush regeneration in the Blue Mountains who are concerned about environmental issues in the Govetts Leap catchment.
The Govetts Leap catchment is located within the town of Blackheath and the adjacent Blue Mountains National Park. Govetts Leap Brook, which drains the catchment, flows over the escarpment at Govetts Leap. Water from the catchment flows through the Grose Wilderness, part of the UNESCO Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.
The Group considers the most serious threats to the catchment are weeds and drainage issues. By taking a whole of catchment approach we hope to improve the management of the catchment and enhance the natural values of the area. The Group believes that it is important for the community, particularly bushcare volunteers, to be involved in, and consulted in relation to management and protection of the natural values of the area.
Visit this group’s own website
Bushcare officer: Elissa McFarlane
Land manager: BMCC
Local contact: Keith Brister, phone 0414 778786, email