The Catchment Group is comprised of Bushcare volunteers and interested local residents. Blue Mountains City Council environment managers support the Catchment Group.
Our aim is to improve the health of the natural bushland and monitor stream water quality in the Gordon Creek and Leura Falls Creek catchment areas, south Leura and Katoomba. To achieve improved ecological outcomes in the two catchments, we meet quarterly to formulate environmental repair and management strategies and liaise with relevant managers at Blue Mountains City Council, National Parks and Wildlife Service and other organisations.
Our vision is to integrate the management of established land uses and natural areas to achieve stable and functioning stream catchments by
• cleaning up,
• conserving,
• connecting the bushland expanses of the catchments,
• communicating with the people who care about and manage the catchments and
• protecting and restoring the riparian corridors of the catchments.
Visit this group’s own website
Year started: 2012
Meeting point: BMCC Admin bldg, Katoomba
All welcome! Please check with the organisers for meeting dates.
Bushcare officer: Elissa McFarlane
Land manager: A range of tenures
Local contact: David, phone 0417 253 373
Alternative contact: Elissa McFarlane, phone 4780 5623, email