The group began in response to the 2019/2020 Bushfires, with work initially aiming to control the post-fire Gorse outbreak in unformed Cleopatra Street, to prevent seed drop into the Braeside Swamp. We have now found a longer term focus in bushland adjacent to Prince George and Prince Edward Streets (a former Woody Weed Wander Bushcare site), with the goal of improving resilience of the site in order to provide a buffer to the swamp below.
Year started: 2021
Meeting day: Fourth Thursday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:00 am
Meeting point: Prince George St
If you would like to visit, please get in touch beforehand.
Bushcare officer: Elissa McFarlane
Land manager: BMCC
Local contact: TBC
Alternative contact: Elissa McFarlane, phone 4780 5528, email