Location: Blackheath

  • Centenary Reserve Bushcare Group

    Bush regeneration at Centenary Reserve

    Visit this group’s own website

    Year started: September 1987

    Meeting day: Second Friday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

    Meeting point: Brentwood Avenue, at end

    Bushcare officer: Karen Hising

    Land manager: BMCC

    Local contact: Karen Hising, phone 4780 5623, email khising@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

    Alternative contact: BMCC Bushcare Team, phone 4780 5528

  • Govetts Leap Catchment Group

    When: 4 times per year

    Meeting point: contact the Bushcare Officer

    The Govetts Leap Catchment Group is an independent group of conservation volunteers with extensive experience in bush regeneration in the Blue Mountains who are concerned about environmental issues in the Govetts Leap catchment.

    The Govetts Leap catchment is located within the town of Blackheath and the adjacent Blue Mountains National Park. Govetts Leap Brook, which drains the catchment, flows over the escarpment at Govetts Leap. Water from the catchment flows through the Grose Wilderness, part of the UNESCO Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.

    The Group considers the most serious threats to the catchment are weeds and drainage issues. By taking a whole of catchment approach we hope to improve the management of the catchment and enhance the natural values of the area. The Group believes that it is important for the community, particularly bushcare volunteers, to be involved in, and consulted in relation to management and protection of the natural values of the area.

    Visit this group’s own website https://govettsleapcatchmentgroup.org/

    Bushcare officer: Elissa McFarlane

    Land manager: BMCC

    Local contact: Keith Brister, phone 0414 778786, email govettsleap.cg@gmail.com

  • Popes Glen Bushcare Group

    Advises on management of Popes Glen Reserve. The group meets monthly to aid the site with regeneration by removing weeds from the area using bush regeneration techniques.

    Visit this group’s own website

    Year started: 1991

    Meeting day: Fourth Saturday of the month, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

    Meeting point: Blackheath Glen Tourist Park campground

    Bushcare officer: James Bevan

    Land manager: BMCC

    Local contact: Alan Lane, phone 4787 7097

    Alternative contact: Bushcare Office, phone 4780 5623, email jbevan@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

  • Sutton Park Bushcare Group

    Bush regeneration in Sutton Park

    Visit this group’s own website

    Year started: October 1998

    Meeting day: First Thursday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

    Meeting point: Sutton Park picnic area, Great Western HWY

    On the Great Western Highway

    Bushcare officer: Sean Moore

    Land manager: BMCC

    Local contact: Ian Glover, phone 0421 430 077

    Alternative contact: Sean Moore, phone 4780 5623, mobile 9am - 4pm, email smoore@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

  • Upper Braeside

    The group began in response to the 2019/2020 Bushfires, with work initially aiming to control the post-fire Gorse outbreak in unformed Cleopatra Street, to prevent seed drop into the Braeside Swamp. We have now found a longer term focus in bushland adjacent to Prince George and Prince Edward Streets (a former Woody Weed Wander Bushcare site), with the goal of improving resilience of the site in order to provide a buffer to the swamp below.

    Year started: 2021

    Meeting day: Fourth Thursday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:00 am

    Meeting point: Prince George St

    If you would like to visit, please get in touch beforehand.

    Bushcare officer: Elissa McFarlane

    Land manager: BMCC

    Local contact: TBC

    Alternative contact: Elissa McFarlane, phone 4780 5528, email emcfarlane@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

  • Valley View

    Visit this group’s own website

    Year started: 2019

    Meeting day: Second Thursday of the month, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

    Meeting point: Cnr Valley View Rd & Hargraves St

    Valley View Swamp, Blackheath.

    Bushcare officer: Sean Moore

    Land manager: BMCC

    Local contact: Sean Moore, phone 4780 5623, mobile 9am - 4pm

    Alternative contact: Michael Smith, phone 4780 5528, email smoore@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

  • Woody Weed Wander Bushcare Group

    This Group works in various locations across the Mountains, treating/removing stands of woody weeds.

    Visit this group’s own website

    Year started: 2019

    Meeting day: First Friday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

    Meeting point: Mid - Upper Mountains

    The Bushcare Officer will send out an email to advise of the meeting place for each work session. A schedule will also be updated regularly for confirmed and possible future work opportunities and locations.

    Bushcare officer: Karen Hising

    Land manager: BMCC

    Local contact: Karen Hising, phone 4780 5623, email khising@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

    Alternative contact: BMCC Bushcare Team, phone 4780 5528