Location: Katoomba
Banksia Park
Visit this group’s own website
Year started: April 2010
Meeting day: Second Saturday of the month, 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Meeting point: Bourne Street near Kurrawan Road corner
Group starts 1:30 in Winter, 2:00 pm in Summer (daylight saving time). Work aims primarily to rehabilitate a degraded Blue Mountains Swamp on the headwaters of Banksia Streamlet.
Bushcare officer: Elissa McFarlane
Land manager: BMCC
Local contact: Elissa McFarlane, phone 4780 5623, email emcfarlane@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Alternative contact: Elissa McFarlane, phone 4780 5623, email emcfarlane@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Garguree Swampcare Group
Visit this group’s own website
Meeting day: First Sunday of the month, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Meeting point: The Gully, Gates Ave
Bushcare officer: Jane Anderson
Local contact: David King, mobile 0412 664 599
Alternative contact: Bushcare Office, phone 4780 5528
Visit this group’s own website
Year started: March 2020
Meeting day: Second Saturday of the month, 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Meeting point: Dulhunty Street
Gather at 1:15
Bushcare officer: Jane Anderson
Land manager: Co-managed by The Gully (GTO) and BMCC
Alternative contact: Jane Anderson, phone 4780 5623, email jlanderson@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Katoomba Creek Bushcare Group
Involved in Bushland Management issues along Katoomba Creek and in Reserve north of Wattle Tree Road
Year started: March 1996
Meeting day: First Friday of the month, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Meeting point: First Ave
We work along the creek, so get in touch if you’d like to know where we’ll be if you plan to visit.
Bushcare officer: Sean Moore
Land manager: BMCC, Department of Lands, NPWS
Local contact: Veronica Paul, phone 4782 6042
Alternative contact: Sean Moore, phone 4780 5623, email smoore@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Katoomba Falls Creek Valley
Friends of Katoomba Falls Creek Valley Bushcare group cares for the upper part of the Katoomba Falls catchment using Bush Regeneration techniques.
Year started: 1989
Meeting day: Second Saturday of the month, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Meeting point: 10 Wells Street (lower)
One of the first Bushcare groups in the Blue Mountains. They have actively worked in the catchment of The Gully since starting in 1989 and now focus mainly on the area between Wells Streer and the old race track in the northern end of the Katoomba Falls (Upper Kedumba) Creek Valley.
Bushcare officer: Jane Anderson
Land manager: BMCC
Local contact: Mark Weir, phone 0457 573 958, email mark5916@gmail.com
Alternative contact: Jane Anderson, phone 47805623, email jlanderson@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Leura Falls Creek Catchment Group
The Catchment Group is comprised of Bushcare volunteers and interested local residents. Blue Mountains City Council environment managers support the Catchment Group.
Our aim is to improve the health of the natural bushland and monitor stream water quality in the Gordon Creek and Leura Falls Creek catchment areas, south Leura and Katoomba. To achieve improved ecological outcomes in the two catchments, we meet quarterly to formulate environmental repair and management strategies and liaise with relevant managers at Blue Mountains City Council, National Parks and Wildlife Service and other organisations.
Our vision is to integrate the management of established land uses and natural areas to achieve stable and functioning stream catchments by
• cleaning up,
• conserving,
• connecting the bushland expanses of the catchments,
• communicating with the people who care about and manage the catchments and
• protecting and restoring the riparian corridors of the catchments.Visit this group’s own website
Year started: 2012
When: 4 times per year
Meeting point: BMCC Admin bldg, Katoomba
All welcome! Please check with the organisers for meeting dates.
Bushcare officer: Elissa McFarlane
Land manager: A range of tenures
Local contact: David, phone 0417 253 373
Alternative contact: Elissa McFarlane, phone 4780 5623, email emcfarlane@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Minnehaha Falls Bushcare Group
Bush regeneration and management of Minnehaha Falls Reserve. We are working towards protecting the catchment around Yosemite Creek.
Year started: 1991
Meeting day: Fourth Sunday of the month, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Meeting point: End Minnehaha Road
Bushcare officer: Sean Moore
Land manager: BMCC
Local contact: Maeve Dunnett, phone 4782 3397
Alternative contact: Bushcare, phone 4780 5623
Narrow Neck Bushcare Group
Visit this group’s own website
Meeting day: First Saturday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Meeting point: contact the Bushcare Officer
Meeting place announced by email beforehand by Bushcare officer. If you’d like to pay a visit, please get in touch beforehand.
Bushcare officer: Karen Hising
Land manager: BMCC
Local contact: Pip, phone 0478 632 845
Alternative contact: Karen Hising, phone 4780 5623, email khising@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
North Katoomba Catchment Group
Representatives of the Katoomba Creek, Upper Katoomba Creek, Minnehaha Falls, (former) Tree Fern Gully, Marmion Swamp Bushcare Groups, RSPCA and Brahma Kumaris Landcare groups meet with Council and NPWS staff to report on and monitor progress raise issues involving other agencies and plan future works in the catchment of the Katoomba and Govetts Creeks.
Year started: 2002
When: 2 times per year
After its formation following the 2002 fires, the first of our catchment groups to evolve is continuing its long term involvement in the catchment of the Katoomba and Govetts Creeks: North Katoomba and North Leura.
Bushcare officer: Sean Moore
For more information, please call Council’s Bushcare Section on 4780 5623, or use the form on the Join page
Planetary Health Bushcare Group
Year started: July 2024
Meeting day: First Saturday of the month, 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Meeting point: Contact Bushcare Officer
Bushcare officer: Karen Hising
Alternative contact: Karen Hising, phone 4780 5623, email khising@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Upper Katoomba Creek Bushcare Group
Meeting day: Fourth Friday of the month, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Meeting point: Whitton St
Bushcare officer: Sean Moore
Land manager: BMCC
Local contact: Fiona Lumsden, email bushcare@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Alternative contact: Sean Moore, phone 4780 5623, email smoore@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Upper Kedumba Creek Bushcare Group
Bush regeneration in the Katoomba Falls Catchment.
Visit this group’s own website
Year started: 2009
Meeting day: First Saturday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Meeting point: Pine St
We work in the Kundibar – Pine Street area. Please get in touch if you would like to visit a session.
Bushcare officer: Jane Anderson
Land manager: BMCC
Local contact: David Rae, mobile 0427 586 914
Alternative contact: Jane Anderson, phone 4780 5623, email jlanderson@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Vale Street Bushcare Group
Restoration of remnant bushland around a creekline and creating natural areas where degraded or cleared.
Visit this group’s own website
Year started: 1998
Meeting day: Fourth Saturday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Meeting point: Cnr Vale Street and York Street
Meet at the intersection of Vale and York Streets.
Bushcare officer: Karen Hising
Land manager: BMCC
Local contact: Karen Hising, phone 4780 5623, email khising@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Alternative contact: BMCC Bushcare Team, phone 4780 5528, email bushcare@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Varuna Writers House Seasonal Weeding Group
Year started: 2023
When: 3 times per year
Meeting point: contact the Bushcare Officer
This new group will be meeting 3 times a year and tackling weeds using a seasonal approach – such as when things are in flower or seeding.
Bushcare officer: Jane Anderson
For more information, please call Council’s Bushcare Section on 4780 5623, or use the form on the Join page
Woody Weed Wander Bushcare Group
This Group works in various locations across the Mountains, treating/removing stands of woody weeds.
Visit this group’s own website
Year started: 2019
Meeting day: First Friday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Meeting point: Mid - Upper Mountains
The Bushcare Officer will send out an email to advise of the meeting place for each work session. A schedule will also be updated regularly for confirmed and possible future work opportunities and locations.
Bushcare officer: Karen Hising
Land manager: BMCC
Local contact: Karen Hising, phone 4780 5623, email khising@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Alternative contact: BMCC Bushcare Team, phone 4780 5528