Location: Wentworth Falls

  • Central Park Bushcare Group

    Bush regeneration works in an isolated ridge top remnant

    Visit this group’s own website

    Meeting day: Fourth Thursday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

    Meeting point: Falls Road

    Bushcare officer: Jane Anderson

    Land manager: BMCC

    Local contact: Vivian Cichero, phone 4757 1579

    Alternative contact: Bushcare Team, phone 4780 5623

  • Charles Darwin Bushcare Group

    Ecological restoration in the Jamison Creek Catchment

    Visit this group’s own website

    Year started: 1995

    Meeting day: Third Friday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

    Meeting point: Contact Bushcare Officer


    Meeting place varies upon email. Group meets twice every 3 months. In 2022: 16 December. In 2023: 20 January, 17 March, 21 April, 16 June.


    Bushcare officer: James Bevan

    Land manager: BMCC, NPWS

    Local contact: phone 0414 195 528

    Alternative contact: email jbevan@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

  • Franki Creek Bushcare Group

    Bush regeneration in upper catchment of Franki Creek in North Wentworth Falls

    Year started: September 2009

    Meeting day: First Saturday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

    Meeting point: Hillcrest Avenue

    Bushcare officer: Sean Moore

    Land manager: BMCC

    Local contact: Ross Day, phone 4757 2782

    Alternative contact: Colin Foster, phone 4757 2034, email smoore@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

  • Jamieson Street Landcare

    working on Private Land above Charles Darwin Walk above Jamison Creek

    Meeting day: First Saturday of the month, 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm

    Meeting point: Jamieson Street

    Bushcare officer: Jane Anderson

    Land manager: private

    Local contact: Doug and Margaret Mavay, phone 47574279

    Alternative contact: Bushcare Team, phone 4780 5623

  • Jamison Creek Catchment Group

    This group meets quarterly to discuss the projects happening in the Jamison Creek catchment.

    Year started: 2015

    When: 4 times per year

    Meeting point: 2-6 Civic Place, Katoomba

    Jamison Creek  is a unique catchment in that it exists on both sides of the Great Western Highway located at Wentworth Falls and flows into the Jamison Valley, finally making its way to Lake Burragorang — drinking water supply to Sydney residents. It is therefore a very important catchment.

    Like most catchments, it is under stress from urban development introducing weeds, pollution, sedimentation and high water flow.

    The Bushcare groups within this catchment (Wentworth Falls Lake Bushcare, Central Park Bushcare,  Charles Darwin Bushcare and Jamieson Street Landcare) come together for regular Catchment days to learn about threatened species in the Catchment, particularly Pherosphaera fitzgeraldii and Pultenaea glabra, as well as stormwater and bio filtration sedimentation measures to improve water quality flowing into the world heritage area downstream.

    Award Winning – Jamison Creek Catchment Biofilters

    Blue Mountains City Council was awarded Overall Winner in the Natural Environment Protection and Enhancement: On-Ground Works category at the Local Government NSW (LGNSW) Excellence in the Environment Awards in 2019.  Council was recognised for the Jamison Catchment Streets to Creeks project. The project worked to protect Wentworth Falls Lake and Jamison Creek from stormwater pollution and other threats posed by urban runoff. It also improved the health of swamps and waterways in Wentworth Falls as well as downstream in the World Heritage Area, and drinking water supplies.


    Lachlan Garland, former coordinator of the Jamison Creek Catchment Community Group, said:

    The Catchment Group congratulates all those involved in the extensive work that resulted in this award. Such an award highlights the Catchment and what is so special about it. The Catchment Group and associated Bushcare Groups look forward to working to improve the Catchment even further, so it becomes an example of what can be done with hard work and persistence.

    Bushcare officer: James Bevan

    For more information, please call Council’s Bushcare Section on 4780 5623, or use the form on the Join page

  • Kittyhawke Swampcare

    Visit this group’s own website

    Meeting day: Third Saturday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

    Meeting point: contact the Bushcare Officer

    Ecological restoration at Kittyhawke Swamp, North Wentworth Falls.

    Bushcare officer: James Bevan

    Land manager: BMCC

    Local contact: James Bevan, phone 0414 195 528, email jbevan@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

  • Water Nymphs Dell Bushcare Group

    Bush regeneration in Water Nymphs Dell Reserve

    Visit this group’s own website

    Year started: June 2000

    Meeting day: Third Saturday of the month, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

    Meeting point: Near 'Arabanoo' 23 Taylor Avenue

    23 Taylor Avenue is called ‘Arabanoo’.

    Bushcare officer: Karen Hising

    Land manager: BMCC

    Local contact: Karen Hising, phone 4780 5623, email khising@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

    Alternative contact: BMCC Bushcare Team, phone 4780 5528

  • Wentworth Falls Lake Bushcare Group

    Bush regeneration around Wentworth Falls Lake

    Visit this group’s own website

    Year started: March 1998

    Meeting day: Third Saturday of the month, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

    Second meeting day: Second Tuesday of the month, 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

    Meeting point: Contact Bushcare Officer

    We meet at various locations around the lake. Please get in touch if you’d like to visit.


    Bushcare officer: James Bevan

    Land manager: BMCC

    Local contact: Bushcare, phone 4780 5623, email bushcare@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

    Alternative contact: James Bevan, phone 4780 5623, email jbevan@bmcc.nsw.gov.au