Location: Woodford

  • North Woodford Bushcare Group

    Ecological restoration in north woodford.

    Visit this group’s own website

    Year started: November 2007

    Meeting day: Second Friday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm

    Meeting point: 20 Mile Hollow Café

    Bushcare officer: James Bevan

    Local contact: Gay Ford, phone 4758 9026

    Alternative contact: Bushcare, phone 4780 5623, email jbevan@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

  • Wilson Glen Bushcare Group

    This group works at several sites around Wilson Glen including the swamp edges and behind houses in Pimelea Avenue and Buena Vista Road, Woodford.

    Visit this group’s own website

    Year started: January 2003

    Meeting day: Third Saturday of the month, 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm

    Meeting point: various locations

    Group members receive email each time to nominate meeting point. Please phone any of the group contacts if you would like to visit.

    Bushcare officer: Tracy Abbas

    Land manager: BMCC

    Local contact: Jo Carroll, phone 47587415

    Alternative contact: Andy Cairns, phone 4758 7787