Its a pleasure to present another delightful issue of Gecko. A successful catchment day, birds, mammals, bio-control agents promising hope that weeds will be controlled with integrated management and natives not to be confused with weeds. What more can a Bushcare volunteer ask for?
Recently, Blue Mountains City Council signed the Gundungurra Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) between the Gundungurra people and other land managers. Signatories include: Gundungurra Tribal Council, Gundungurra Heritage Association, the State of NSW (The Crown), NSW Office of Environment & Heritage, Sydney Catchment Authority, NSW Forestry Commission and Blue Mountains City Council.
Although we always acknowledge Country and the Traditional Owners at events and when introducing new volunteers to our program, this very significant moment reminded me that it a written acknowledgement from Bushcare is appropriate. So, I’m glad to say that:
The Bushcare Team acknowledges that our Bushcare activities are held on Aboriginal land and on the traditional lands of the Darug and Gundungurra peoples. Blue Mountains City Council recognises the strength, capacity and resilience of past and present Aboriginal people in this region.
We look forward to continuing to care for Country together.
– Monica, for the Bushcare Team