Tag Archives: Braeside

2nd Braeside Broom and Gorse Blitz (Blackheath) GGWW- NPWS

Sunday 25 April, 2021 @ 9:00 am 3:00 pm

Come along and support the Braeside Bushcare Group. We will spend the day hunting Gorse and Broom seedlings, who have sprouted in huge numbers, post fire. This is our chance to fight them off once and for all! Minimal bushwalking involved. All are welcome. Morning tea and lunch provided.

Book by Friday 17th of April with Grant on 0499 699 150 or grant.purcell@environment.nsw.gov.au

CANCELLED Joint Woody Weed Wander / Braeside Gathering (Blackheath)

This event has been CANCELLED due to coronavirus concerns.

Friday 3 April, 2020 @ 9:00 am 12:00 pm

The Woody Weed Wander Bushcare Group has been offered a new site near Prince George and Prince Edward Streets, Blackheath. The NPWS Braeside Bushcare Group works nearby and will be joining the Woody Weed Wander Bushcare Group for a one-off Event at this site.

If you would like to join both Groups at this site, you would be welcome. There are a range of woody weeds to tackle. Morning tea provided.

For more information and to book, please contact Karen Hising on khising@bmcc.nsw.gov.au or 4780 5623


Friday 3 April, 2020
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Event Category:
Event Tags:
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Karen Hising
4780 5623
Prince george St
Blackheath, NSW Australia
+ Google Map

SUSPENDED In Morag’s Memory (Blackheath)

Unfortunately this event has been SUSPENDED due to coronavirus concerns. For further information contact Monica see details below.

Friday 15 May, 2020 @ 9:00 am 1:00 pm

In Morag’s Memory – Shaws Paddock, Braeside Blue Mountains National Park (accessed from Cross St Blackheath).

A work session planting and weeding in memory of Morag Ryder, who spent many thousands of hours caring for the Braeside bushland. Share some delicious food and fond memories of Morag with the many people who have worked alongside her.

To RSVP or for more information, please contact Monica Nugent on monicanugent@bigpond.com before 7 May.


Friday 15 May, 2020
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Event Tags:
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Monica Nugent
Braeside Street
Blackheath, NSW 2785 Australia
+ Google Map

Swampcare at Valley View Swamp

Come for the day or just an hour or two.   Help us get the swamp back in shape. This swamp supplies water (and weeds) to the Braeside area and ultimately finds its way to the Grose River. A range of weeds to choose from – large or small; honeysuckle, privet, forget me nots etc. Continue on from previous work. Lunch and morning tea donated by Hominy Bakery. Book with Lyndal by Wednesday 24th September.