Saturday 14 December, 2024
9:00 am
3:30 pm
Hard grade, lots of off-track walking and creek line scrambling looking for Trad, arum lily, privet and other flood distributed weeds.
All remote events involve working off track in more remote areas of the Blue Mountains City Council reserve system. Typically, a day is longer than a regular Bushcare workday and can include long walks to access work areas.
Participants are expected to have an appropriate level of fitness and their own bushwalking equipment which should include: At least 2 litres of water; first aid kit; walking poles (if needed); sturdy walking boots; backpack and; food. Specialist equipment and training are provided by the Bushcare officer and information regarding meeting times, work site and emergency management is supplied in the week leading up to the day
RSVP via Sean Moore
Saturday 9 November, 2024
9:00 am
3:30 pm
Hard grade, lots of off-track walking and creek line scrambling looking for Trad, arum lily, privet and other flood distributed weeds.
All remote events involve working off track in more remote areas of the Blue Mountains City Council reserve system. Typically, a day is longer than a regular Bushcare workday and can include long walks to access work areas.
Participants are expected to have an appropriate level of fitness and their own bushwalking equipment which should include: At least 2 litres of water; first aid kit; walking poles (if needed); sturdy walking boots; backpack and; food. Specialist equipment and training are provided by the Bushcare officer and information regarding meeting times, work site and emergency management is supplied in the week leading up to the day
RSVP via Nathan Summers
Saturday 12 October, 2024
9:00 am
3:30 pm
Hard grade, lots of off-track walking into a Typha swamp to carry out follow up work on Himalayan Honeysuckle..
All remote events involve working off track in more remote areas of the Blue Mountains City Council reserve system. Typically, a day is longer than a regular Bushcare workday and can include long walks to access work areas.
Participants are expected to have an appropriate level of fitness and their own bushwalking equipment which should include: At least 2 litres of water; first aid kit; walking poles (if needed); sturdy walking boots; backpack and; food. Specialist equipment and training are provided by the Bushcare officer and information regarding meeting times, work site and emergency management is supplied in the week leading up to the day
RSVP via Steve Fleischmann
Saturday 14 September, 2024
9:00 am
3:30 pm
Easy to medium grade, some off-track walking.
All remote events involve working off track in more remote areas of the Blue Mountains City Council reserve system. Typically, a day is longer than a regular Bushcare workday and can include long walks to access work areas.
Participants are expected to have an appropriate level of fitness and their own bushwalking equipment which should include: At least 2 litres of water; first aid kit; walking poles (if needed); sturdy walking boots; backpack and; food. Specialist equipment and training are provided by the Bushcare officer and information regarding meeting times, work site and emergency management is supplied in the week leading up to the day
RSVP via Steve Fleischmann
Saturday 13 July, 2024
9:00 am
3:30 pm
Medium grade, some off-track walking and walking along a creek treating Crofton and looking for African Olive.
All remote events involve working off track in more remote areas of the Blue Mountains City Council reserve system. Typically, a day is longer than a regular Bushcare workday and can include long walks to access work areas.
Participants are expected to have an appropriate level of fitness and their own bushwalking equipment which should include: At least 2 litres of water; first aid kit; walking poles (if needed); sturdy walking boots; backpack and; food. Specialist equipment and training are provided by the Bushcare officer and information regarding meeting times, work site and emergency management is supplied in the week leading up to the day
RSVP via Steve Fleischmann
Saturday 8 June, 2024
9:00 am
3:30 pm
Medium grade, lots of off-track walking, some scrambling and gorge walking treating Crofton and other weeds. We will also be on the lookout for African Olive.
All remote events involve working off track in more remote areas of the Blue Mountains City Council reserve system. Typically, a day is longer than a regular Bushcare workday and can include long walks to access work areas.
Participants are expected to have an appropriate level of fitness and their own bushwalking equipment which should include: At least 2 litres of water; first aid kit; walking poles (if needed); sturdy walking boots; backpack and; food. Specialist equipment and training are provided by the Bushcare officer and information regarding meeting times, work site and emergency management is supplied in the week leading up to the day
RSVP via Steve Fleischmann
Saturday 11 May, 2024
9:00 am
3:30 pm
Medium grade, lots of off-track walking on the eastern escarpment treating Ochna, Lantana and African Olive.
All remote events involve working off track in more remote areas of the Blue Mountains City Council reserve system. Typically, a day is longer than a regular Bushcare workday and can include long walks to access work areas.
Participants are expected to have an appropriate level of fitness and their own bushwalking equipment which should include: At least 2 litres of water; first aid kit; walking poles (if needed); sturdy walking boots; backpack and; food. Specialist equipment and training are provided by the Bushcare officer and information regarding meeting times, work site and emergency management is supplied in the week leading up to the day
RSVP via Steve Fleischmann
Saturday 13 April, 2024
9:00 am
3:30 pm
Medium grade, Lots of off-track walking on the eastern escarpment treating Ochna, Lantana and African Olive.
All remote events involve working off track in more remote areas of the Blue Mountains City Council reserve system. Typically, a day is longer than a regular Bushcare workday and can include long walks to access work areas.
Participants are expected to have an appropriate level of fitness and their own bushwalking equipment which should include: At least 2 litres of water; first aid kit; walking poles (if needed); sturdy walking boots; backpack and; food. Specialist equipment and training are provided by the Bushcare officer and information regarding meeting times, work site and emergency management is supplied in the week leading up to the day
RSVP via Steve Fleischmann
Sunday 25 April, 2021
9:00 am
3:00 pm
Come along and support the Braeside Bushcare Group. We will spend the day hunting Gorse and Broom seedlings, who have sprouted in huge numbers, post fire. This is our chance to fight them off once and for all! Minimal bushwalking involved. All are welcome. Morning tea and lunch provided.
Book by Friday 17th of April with Grant on 0499 699 150 or