Come join this ONLINE event celebrating our Bushcare Volunteers achieving special awards for 2021 and Bushcare groups reaching their birthday milestones.
Find out who will receive – the Golden Trowel – Bushcare Legend, Hard Yakka, Masters, Landcare Legend, Junior and Environmental Warrior awards.
We also have special talks including Welcome to Country, Birds in the Gully and learn about the importance of our Native Bees in pollination and find out you can be involved.
We can help you learn to use Zoom or find a way to join in.
Did you know that all Bushcare and Landcare sites have their own site attached to the main Bushcare website. It seems to be where new volunteers find out about the groups and is your first impression online.
We have a wonderful volunteer, Ondine, who has offered to run two zoom sessions on the basics of setting up your site and troubleshooting when you get stuck.
Zoom – online
When: Monday 29th March
Session 1: 12noon- 1pm
Session 2: 6pm – 7pm
We will show you how to use the wordpress phone app, set up your page, add a heading, add photos, and any other tips that we have found useful.
Any member from a group can be the main author and maintain the site with info about the site from then on. All we need is your email and group and we can set you up from there.
To register for this on-line Zoom training click the RSVP link below by 22 March
Did you know that all Bushcare and Landcare sites have their own site attached to the main Bushcare website. It seems to be where new volunteers find out about the groups and is your first impression online.
We have a wonderful volunteer, Ondine, who has offered to run two zoom sessions on the basics of setting up your site and troubleshooting when you get stuck.
Zoom – online
When: Monday 29th March
Session 1: 12noon- 1pm
Session 2: 6pm – 7pm
We will show you how to use the wordpress phone app, set up your page, add a heading, add photos, and any other tips that we have found useful.
Any member from a group can be the main author and maintain the site with info about the site from then on. All we need is your email and group and we can set you up from there.
To register for this On-line Zoom training click the RSVP link below by 22nd March
Blue Mountains Conservation Society are pleased to host local ecologists, Judy and Peter Smith, talking about the native fauna of the Greater Blue Mountains on the very day the World Heritage listing for the area was decided back in 2000.
The Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area is home to a remarkably diverse native terrestrial vertebrate fauna (currently 434 species) of international significance.
The World Heritage listing recognises the region’s globally significant natural values including its biodiversity.
Judy and Peter will talk about the fauna of the GBMWHA as it stood at the time of publication of their book (October 2019) and then look briefly at what has happened to the fauna since.