Category Archives: General

Trad bio-control

The bio-control Leaf Smut Fungus (Kordyana brasillensisis) being trailed to help contain the growth of the weed Wandering Trad (Tradescantia fluminensis) which impacts plenty of sites across the Mountains. If private landholders would like to access stems of this bio-control fungus, you can contact CSIRO to provide the stems for planting in your Wandering Trad patch.

It was released at these 7 sites:
Glenbrook Lagoon
Else Mitchell Park
Tunnel Gully
Knapsack Creek
Fairy Dell
Mount Irvine
Gloria Park

picture of sign on the sites
The signs that are at the sites where the fungus was released

Join us for the Blue Mountains Bioblitz

The Great Southern Bioblitz event for 2022 will be held from Friday the 28th October until the end of Monday on the 31st, incorporating different communities, areas and regions across the Southern Hemisphere. The platform iNaturalist is a useful identification tool and it benefits communities and professionals to track and store information about species across the world.

At the picnic this year we are using iNaturalist to upload as many observations as we can on this weekend. There will be a crew at the Bushcare Picnic to start you off if you are keen to start but need some help. Or you want to explore the platform.

This is where you will find information on the Blue Mountains project. The dashboard is currently empty as the bioblitz has not started yet.

To download iNaturalist to your device or use the app from wherever you get your apps.

Find out more about the Great Southern Bioblitz on their website

Regeneration of indigenous vegetation at Third Reedy Lake as it has dried over summer and autumn 2022

Damien Cook

Introduction.  Third Reedy Lake is a freshwater wetland in the Kerang region in north central Victoria. It is part of the Kerang Wetlands Ramsar Site, which means that it is recognised as being of international significance for wetland conservation as it supports threatened plant and animal species and ecological communities and rookeries of colonial nesting wetland birds.

Prior to European occupation this wetland, along with Middle Lake and Reedy Lake, would have been inundated only when floodwaters came down the Loddon River and caused the intermittent Wandella and Sheep Wash Creeks to flow. At that time the wetland experienced a natural wetting and drying cycle, filling up from floodwaters and drying out completely between floods, which occurred on average once every 3 to 4 years.

In the 1920s, however, this natural wetting and drying cycle was discontinued. Third Reedy Lake became part of the Torrumbarry Irrigation Scheme. Water was diverted out of the Murray River at Torrumbarry Weir and made to flow through a series of natural wetlands including Kow Swamp, the Reedy Lakes, Little Lake Charm and Kangaroo Lake to deliver water to irrigate farms. The lakes and swamps became permanently inundated.  While this meant farmers had a reliable supply of water it also profoundly altered the ecology of the wetlands.

To read the full article follow the link below:

Help us help the bush – photograph weeds

Community groups which support the Blue Mountains Bushcare Program would love your help.

Even if you can’t make it to Bushcare, there is so much you can do just by photographing the important weeds you see around you.

Priority Weeds are plants that have the potential to pose a biosecurity risk to human health, the economy, the livability of our city and the environment.

This will help us:

  • view a map of priority weeds across the catchment
  • reduce the impact of weeds
  • detect new weeds

Once you return home, simply download the iNaturalist App, then upload your smartphone photos to iNaturalist.

A combination of artificial intelligence and citizen science will identify the species in your photos.

Your observations will be mapped by our project, and you will have made an important contribution to your catchment.

View map of current observations

Winter Gecko Newsletter

Follow this link to find the Gecko Newsletter on the councils website.

Bushcare is going paperless
The ‘Bushcare Is’ sign is coming to a site near you
Community Conservation Program Survey
Council wins Environmental Education Award
Bushcare Picnic – Save the Date
Vale Jill Rattray
Drosera Species
An ode to Karen
Emergency Dashboard
Meredith Brownhill receives an award
Council calls for urgent action to save koalas
Talented cadets join Healthy Waterways Team
Bushcare is turning 30!

Help shape the future management of Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service invites you to provide feedback on the Gardens of Stone
State Conservation Area draft Plan of Management and draft Master Plan. Submissions are open from 6 May to 5 July 2022.
The draft plans provide a framework for the future management of Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area.
To find out more or make a submission, visit
Submissions close 5 July 2022

Tell us your thoughts on Koalas

We need your help – with just 5 minutes of your time.
Following recent extreme weather events the issues around wildlife conservation have become even more complex especially for species like koalas that inhabit developed areas. Through this survey Science for Wildlife hope to identify & address key issues surrounding our wildlife, but we need your help by telling us your thoughts on koalas!
Support for this survey kindly comes from the NSW Koala Strategy – Koala Research Plan

Kali The Koala
Photo Credit Amy Davis

Bushcare Survey

For all active volunteers you will receive a link to the Community Conservation Program Volunteer Survey from your Bushcare Officer.

Results from survey will inform review and update of the Community Conservation Program Plan (CCP). This is the plan that provides the way forward together for Bushcare and other programs that work towards conservation.

It is a short survey with 11 main questions and takes on average around 8 minutes to complete. By completing this survey it ensures Bushcare is providing the right service to help volunteers to conserve the natural areas of the Blue Mountains.

If you need a paper form to complete please ask your Bushcare Officer and they will get one to you.

Survey will be open until 15th May 2022.

Volunteers Busy protecting at Swamp at Rocklea Place, Hazelbrook