Bushcare Ranger Programs
Look, hear and discover what’s around your own backyard. What birds can you hear, what’s living under the litter, look at all the different shape leaves and fruits and so much more. Download these Bushcare Ranger activities to discover, explore and enjoy.
- Download ‘Plant Treasure Hunt’ (young kids)

Birdlife Australia – Bird in Backyards, 26 Mar 2020.
Hello parents, carers and kids! Are you looking for at-home activities to keep everyone chirpy? Here at BirdLife we have lots of resources that are fun AND you can learn about amazing birds and places Read more
Conservation from your couch
Did you know you can make a big difference to our native plants and animals from the comfort of your own home?
NSW Environment, Energy and Science 5 ways to help animals from home
Here is a list of ways you can safely maintain your social distance and assist our most vulnerable native animals.
- Be an armchair detective
- Inspire a new generation of ecologists
- Plant a native tree
- Birdwatch from your balcony
- Listen to a new soundtrack
Threatened Species
Let’s find out about threatened animals that live in NSW | NSW Environment, Energy and Science
An educational resource for Year 1-6, describing 28 animals that are threatened in New South Wales. They represent a range of animal types that live in different places with diverse ecosystems across New South Wales. Some rely on very specific habitat features in the environment to eat, breed and survive.
The resource is supported by a series of drawings by nature artist Tallulah Cunningham and we provide ideas for activities and questions associated with the animals and the drawings.
NSW Environmental Education Resources
Visit the NSW Government Educational Resources webpage

NPWS Wilderquest Resources: Another fantastic resource from our NPWS friends. NPWS has activities and education programs for children and schools. Share this award winning interactive app Wilderquest designed to support kids’ learning about the environment, science and Aboriginal culture. NPWS Wilderquest wilderquest.nsw.gov.au.

Natural Ink Making
It may be hard to fathom, but we didn’t always use chemicals to dye fabrics. For millennia, people used plants, roots and berries to color cotton, muslin, linen, silk and other fabrics. The coolest thing about natural dyeing is that the ingredients you need are likely right in your backyard or at the grocery store. Read more

Blue Mountains Cultural Centre – VIRTUAL INSIGHT Fungi Survey and Print Tutorial (for all ages)
Local printmaker Freedom Wilson has the help of two budding artists Zoe and Pia in this fungi survey and print making tutorial. Explore your local surroundings to find interesting fungi… Read more

Blue Mountains Cultural Centre – VIRTUAL INSIGHT Colour Collect Box (Kids)
Make a simple colour activity with an old box and some coloured paper. Take your little one for a wander around the garden or your home and see what colourful treasures you can collect! Read more…

Blue Mountains City Council – Connecting with Nature
Our goal is to inspire the next generation – by connecting them to our special Blue Mountains environment and fostering their natural love of nature. In a learning experience unique to our City within a World Heritage Area, we offer local students the opportunity to explore their local water catchment, learn why it’s special and take action to protect it.