- Weeds of the Blue Mountains – https://weedsbluemountains.org.au/

Weeds of the Blue Mountains website. Identify and control garden plants that go wild in our bushland. Discover a wide range of useful information including: weeds in bushland (causes of weed invasion and the value of our bushland), identifying weeds and a range resources from post fire weeding, making your garden wildlife friendly, weed control methods and disposing of your weeds.

Blue Mountains City Council Weed Information

Blue Mountains City Council Weeds – https://www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/weeds
Weeds are everybody’s responsibility. We can all work together to protect our World Heritage Area and the unique bushland, swamps and waterways of the Blue Mountains. See Council’s obligations, Resident’s obligations, Priority Weeds, Control and Notification and FAQs Biosecurity Act 2015

Weed Management Strategic Plan 2019 https://www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/docs/Weed_Management_Strategic_Plan_2019.PDF

Priority Weeds List for th e Blue Mountains Local Government Area – a full list of the State, Regional and Local Priority weeds. Weeds found in the Blue Mountains are identified with * https://www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/docs/PriorityWeedsList2020.pdf

Priority Weeds Information Booklet – 2020 Edition. PRIORITY WEEDS in the City of Blue Mountains, are plants that have the potential to pose a biosecurity risk to human health, the economy, the livability of our city and the environment. In NSW, the administration of priority weed control is a State Government responsibility under the Biosecurity Act 2015. The Act is implemented and enforced by the Local Control Authority (LCA) — Blue Mountains City Council. The booklet provides an easy to use colour-coded guide showing the control measures for State, Regional and Local Priority weeds found within the Blue Mountains LGA. https://www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/documents/priority-weeds-information-booklet

Weeds of Blue Mountains Bushland Booklet – 2020 edition
Weeds of Blue Mountains Bushland is a guide to identification and control of weeds. This update explains the effect of the Biosecurity Act 2015, including changes in how weeds are classified. It provides information on how to identify and treat both new ‘local priority’ weeds and the usual suspects.
Look for hardcopies at Council offices and libraries.

BMCC Bush Backyards is a
Blue Mountains City Council Program aiming to enhance and protect the natural values of the Blue Mountains across a range of tenures, particularly on private lands. Read more to find out if you are eligible. https://www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/documents/bush-backyards
Other links
- NSW Department of Primary Industries – Weeds https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/biosecurity/weeds

NSW WeedWise contains key information to help users reduce the impact of over 300 weeds in New South Wales. Search or browse weeds names (common or scientific); recognise a weed by its physical description and image gallery; and find out about its impacts, where it occurs, how it spreads and its preferred habitat. Control options are described for each weed. General, state or regional biosecurity duties under the Biosecurity Act 2015 are displayed for each weed. https://weeds.dpi.nsw.gov.au/

Local land Services https://www.lls.nsw.gov.au/
Greater Sydney Local Land Services GSLLS https://www.lls.nsw.gov.au/regions/greater-sydney

Sydney Weeds Network – A great source of information about weeds and weed management issues. Check the Videos – General Techniques and Weeding Videos – specific weeds https://sydneyweeds.org.au/

AABR Australian Association of Bush Regenerators AABR promotes the study and practice of ecological restoration, and fosters and encourages effective management of natural areas by qualified people, based on sound ecological principles https://www.aabr.org.au/

Habitat Network http://www.habitatnetwork.org/

The Blue Mountains Fauna Inventory has revealed a spectacular menagerie of furred, feathered and scaled friends we share our Mountains home with. More than 450 different species, including 51 threatened species, were recorded within the Blue Mountains local government area. This inventory is an extremely useful resource both now and into the future, as it gives us a benchmark to measure whether we are succeeding in supporting our biodiversity or failing our wildlife. Found under Blue Mountains City Council website: Bushland Management – Native Animals

The Atlas of Living Australia is an online repository of information about Australian plants, animals, and fungi. Development started in 2006. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation is an organisation significantly involved in the development of the ALA https://www.ala.org.au/

iNaturalist is a citizen science project and online social network of naturalists, citizen scientists, and biologists built on the concept of mapping and sharing observations of biodiversity across the globe. iNaturalist may be accessed via its website or from its mobile applications https://www.inaturalist.org/

Birdlife Australia is dedicated to achieving outstanding conservation results for our native birds and their habitats. With our specialised knowledge and the commitment of an Australia-wide network of members, volunteers and supporters, we are creating a bright future for Australia’s birds. https://birdlife.org.au/
Blue Mountains Conservation Society Their mission is to help protect, conserve, and advocate for, the natural environment of the Greater Blue Mountains. https://www.bluemountains.org.au/ They also have a Native Plant Nursery, .
Australian Museum Frog ID https://www.frogid.net.au/

Merlin Bird ID https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/

Bushcare Resources

Decades of Healing: The Full Story. Learn about the rehabilitation of the extensive willow forest and silt plug at the headwaters of Popes Glen Creek in Blackheath. This illustrated history contains over 100 photographs describing the work in full — failures as well as successes — and highlights the application of adaptive management in the successful outcome.
Author and Bushcare volunteer Alan Lane says, ‘This book is for bushcare volunteers and professionals, restoration ecologists, local councils and environmental groups, including schools interested in citizen science. It is both a motivational and how-to guide for groups tackling a large and complex rehabilitation project that perhaps seems over-ambitious’.