Blue Mountains Fauna Project

Come along and hear about the Blue Mountains Fauna Project at the Threatened Species Day (7th September) at the Blue Mountains Cultural Centre.

Anne is one of the speakers and will reveal the fantastic fauna results collected during the Blue Mountains fauna surveys and other data sent in by the public over the past year.

It’s all about the data! Over a year ago the Blue Mountains Fauna Project kicked off collecting fauna records from the community and other databases including ebird and the NSW Wildlife Atlas. The process of collecting records is ongoing so keep your records coming!  For a first “look” at the data we needed to pick a month and draw a line in the sand which we did in July. If you are interested in what the data shows and what we are doing with all the records there is a presentation at the Cultural Centre in Katoomba as part of Threatened Species Day activities at 10am on the 7th of September. Come along and have a look at the “first cut” report. We are happy to answer your questions.  Anne Carey, Applied Ecology


The Blue Mountains Cultural Centre will host Threatened Species Day, a free community environment market and series of talks on Saturday 7 September. This will be an opportunity to learn from local environment and bush care groups about conservation efforts in the region. The day will also showcase this year’s Waste to Art Sculpture, a Powerful-Owl’s Nest, created by the community from discarded fabrics and plastics.

TALK PROGRAM 10am – 2pm
10am Anne Carey – Blue Mountains Fauna Project
11am Akos Lumnitzer – The Powerful Owl
12pm Break
1pm Dr Beth Mott – Powerful Owl Program, Birdlife Australia

There are limited numbers and we have reserved a number of seats.   To book please RSVP to the talk sessions by calling Blue Mountains Cultural Centre reception on 4780 5410 or emailing   and mention “held Bushcare” spot.