Council is conducting a review of the Bushcare, Landcare, Streamwatch, Trackcare and Bush Backyards community conservation programs.
The reason for the review is to make sure that, together, we achieve the best possible outcomes for the community and conserving our environment.
The aim is not to reduce support for these programs but to look at how that support is provided in the future.
Council is interested to know what you think about the Community Conservation Program, such as:
- What is working well?
- What could be done better or differently?
- What needs changing?
- Are there any new issues which the current approach does not address?
Join the discussion
You are invited and encouraged to participate in the review. Have your say on the future of Council’s Community Conservation program, by visiting the Have Your Say website during the month of March 2013.
Alternatively, phone Linda Thomas on 4780 5612.