The Minnehaha Bushcare Group would like to invite friends of Ruth Ley to join them to commemorate her by continuing her good work restoring Yosemite Creek.
Ruth was a founding member of the Minnehaha Bushcare group and was an active member for 25 years. She was also a founding member of the Katoomba Creek Bushcare group and also worked with the Brahma Kumaris, Leura Park and Upper Katoomba Creek groups for many years.
Ruth was obsessed with Bushcare, and one of her life missions was to rid the creeks of Montbretia. Come and join the group to continue this mission by weeding Montbretia on Saturday 1st April — her birthday. For those not so keen to work in the creek, there will also be an opportunity for planting. We’ll then finish up by enjoying morning tea (including date muffins, of course!)
You are more than welcome to join us just for morning tea if you are unable to weed or plant.
Please RSVP to by Monday 24 March.