Category Archives: Research

Noxious Redfin Perch Discovered at Wentworth Falls Lake

by Amy St Lawrence (Aquatic Systems Officer)

A new threat to the health of Blue Mountains waterways has emerged with the discovery of a Noxious fish species: Redfin Perch (Perca fluviatilis) at Wentworth Falls Lake.


Redfin Perch (Perca fluviatilis). Note the characteristic orange-red pelvic and anal fins and tail; two separate dorsal fins and pattern of broad black vertical bands. (image from DPI website)

The Redfin Perch is native to northern Europe and was introduced to Australia in the 1860s for angling. The species is now widespread in NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and the ACT and occurs in parts of SA and WA. It has become a serious pest, capable of destroying native fish populations and recreational fisheries as it breeds and grows fast, predates voraciously on aquatic invertebrates and native fish and can carry the Epizootic Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus, which is deadly to a range of native and stocked fish species. Redfin Perch is listed as a Class 1 Noxious species in NSW.

At present there are no effective eradication methods known and Council is concerned about the detrimental effects the Redfin may have on other fish species and aquatic invertebrates such as dragonflies at Wentworth Falls Lake and downstream in Jamison Creek. A new population of Redfin was also found in 2014 at Lake Lyell, near Lithgow.

It is possible that the species was deliberately introduced to Wentworth Falls Lake and Lake Lyell. Such an action would be illegal and heavy penalties apply for the intentional translocation of Redfin Perch, as well as for the posession or sale of any live Redfin Perch.

Recreational anglers may legally catch Redfin, in which case the fish should be humanely killed immediately and utilised or disposed of appropriately. The species may only be retained and transported if it is dead.

For more information visit or contact NSW DPI Aquatic Biosecurity on 4982 1232. You can also call Council on 4780 5000.

Help stop the spread of pest fish:

  •  Don’t transfer fish between waterways or into farm dams, and don’t use live fin fish as bait in freshwater;
  •  Don’t return pest species to the water – immediately kill humanely and utilise or dispose of appropriately;
  •  Help catch new invaders early: report suspected aquatic pests and/or information about possible illegal translocations of Noxious species to the

    DPI hotline: 02 4916 3877 or

Geomorphic Assessment of Temperate Upland Swamps

By Jane Anderson

On 4th October 2014 Garguree Swampcarers were thrilled to hear a presentation by Kirsten Cowley. Kirsten is undertaking a Geomorphic Assessment of Temperate Upland Swamps for her PhD Candidature at the Department of Environment & Geography, Macquarie University.

The Gully sediment profile being explained by Kirsten

The Gully sediment profile being explained by Kirsten

The talk was incredibly informative and well-presented and we all came away very enthusiastic and keen to know more! Luckily for Swamp/Bush Carers Kirsten is very open to involvement with monitoring and feedback and will be doing another talk for any people interested to learn more about this wonderful project in 2015.

Kirsten’s PhD involves assessing the physical attributes of upland swamps, such as water quality, carbon sequestration potential and sedimentology and how these attributes change along a geomorphic degradation spectrum.

The Gully is one of the 12 (out of 500) swamps that Kirsten is investigating. These investigations will include sediment description and properties, analysis of carbon storage, water quality assessments, carbon budgets, hydrological function, groundwater residence times and connectivity with deeper aquifers.

Some of the ways that these things will be assessed will be through:

  • Water table levels to be logged
  • Stream gauging in receiving streams directly downstream of the swamps
  • Vertical hydraulic conductivity measurements using a permeameter in ~10 locations within each swamp
  • Lateral hydraulic conductivity — pump/slug tests within installed piezometers.

Kirsten is a fantastic source of knowledge and her work in the mountains will be very valuable both now and in the future, so don’t miss her talk in the coming year; watch out for the date and time in the next Gecko and on this website!

King of the Night Forest by Akos Lumnitzer

A faint woo-hoo echoed through the gully followed by others at roughly ten-second intervals. I smiled, as I slowly descended the gently sloping track into the gorge towards the nest tree, where a pair of Powerful Owls (Ninox strenua) were about to begin their annual courtship ritual. Soon, the owl was joined by his mate.

With a little practice, telling a male and female Powerful Owl apart can be relatively simple. The second note of the male’s woo-hoo is generally lower, or the same pitch as the first. On the other hand, the female’s call has a higher second note. My pair near the town of Glenbrook has a very passionate female, whose second note is usually much louder in volume too, as if she were calling with enormous passion for her mate.

Nesting begins in late autumn /early winter inside large tree hollows. Chicks (called owlets) usually emerge from their nest hollows during late July and into the month of August within the Sydney region.

Adults first start roosting together or near each other during March/April and come late afternoon, often well before sundown, they begin calling. This is usually initiated by the male and answered by his mate. Soon, they fly onto their favourite rendezvous perches, usually within sight of their chosen nest tree, and begin calling, then preening themselves.

They preen themselves first usually, stretch and defecate, then allopreen. That is, they preen each other. This allopreening is usually of the head area and is done with utmost love and care. It is a wonderful sight to see owls — known as fierce and merciless killers of night creatures — being so kind, loving and gentle with one another. At least so it seems to an amateur naturalist like me. Ornithologists would frown at my statements using human emotions. However, I like to interpret my own observations into the language of normal folk, so they can share the excitement with me, rather than be bored to tears with mundane observations.

Powerful Owls are the largest of the Australian owls. They are members of the Strigidae (hawk owl) family, as are Southern Boobook, Barking Owl and Rufous Owl. Once any of these owls turn side-on, you’ll notice the resemblance to hawks, hence their apt descriptive hawk owl name. Powerful Owls range from around Bundaberg in Queensland to western Victoria. Some of the densest populations occur near metropolitan areas of Sydney and Melbourne, with the NSW alpine regions and the NE NSW coastal forest areas having dense populations.


The owls range inland as well, about as far west as the Pilliga State Forest in NSW. Their home range estimates vary mostly due to the density of prey species (the availability of prey). Some home ranges have been estimated as low as 300 hectares with a high prey density, whereas I have also read that some home ranges can be several thousand hectares in low prey density forests.

On average, the home range is around 800 – 1,000 hectares, except urban areas, where the ranges can be far smaller. Areas like Epping, in Sydney’s northern suburbs, can hold three or more pairs along a few kilometres of walking tracks inside the national park bordering suburbia. Here, there are lots of birds, possums and gliders for the owls to feast on.

Powerful Owls often roost in cool, temperate rainforest gullies along creeks, especially during the heat of summer. However, their nest trees may be located well up along a ridge, away from the cool of the rainforest. Also, since the owls nest during winter, it is less likely that heat stress would be a risk factor to the young, developing, owlets inside the tree hollows.

The owls’ nests are usually in some of the oldest, tallest, gum trees, which means that it is vital that we maintain pressure on local governments and other agencies to ensure we protect old-growth forests. Without these very old trees (some over 100 years old) and their hollows — which could take decades to form — many of our natives would be in serious trouble in the not too distant future.

Powerful Owls often share roosting and hunting areas with Sooty Owls, since both species have a preference of the same habitats and similar prey species.

Powerful Owls have their preferred prey items, but each locality may ‘force’ the owls to prey on particular species that may be more abundant in that territory. Greater Gliders, Yellow-bellied Gliders, Grey-headed Flying Foxes, Sugar Gliders, Common Ringtail and younger Common Brushtail Possums are all fair game, as are many larger birds from about lorikeet size up. Most owls I’ve seen in the Sydney basin have had Common Ringtail or Common Brushtail Possums in their talons when I saw and photographed them. Rarely have I seen them with other prey.


However, since I have been observing the breeding pair near Glenbrook, I have noticed a higher number of bird prey items than mammals.

Of course, since I was not at the other owls’ roosts every day of their life, I only have a small sample of times and observations. I have far more data and observations (over 120 hours now) at Glenbrook which indicates that my owls prey on birds about half the time. I have many pellets to analyse, but when I found them bringing prey to the nest, they were mostly Common Ringtail Possums, Laughing Kookaburra and possibly Tawny Frogmouth.

Indigestible body parts and fur are regularly regurgitated as pellets by these owls at their roosts. Some of the pellets contained mandibles and bones from possibly Sugar Gliders and there were lots of parrot feathers too and other matter. I would suspect some of the birds to be Crimson Rosellas and Rainbow Lorikeets based on the type and colour of feathers and Pied Currawong or Australian Raven, based on the larger black feathers.

It is very humbling to gain the trust and acceptance of a pair of owls and study them as they go about their lives. Even more humbling is that I have now seen two young birds crawl out of the very same hollow during two consecutive winters.

Interestingly, while some owls raise two owlets, my pair has only raised one per year since the 2013 season when I began to study them.

If you are interested in making contributions, you too can join the Sydney Powerful Owl Project, which was the brainchild of Kristen Hardy. She was so captivated and obsessed with seeing these owls in her Northern Beaches backyard, that she collaborated with Birdlife Australia and the project was born as a pilot project in 2011.

Initially, Dr Rod Kavanagh, Australia’s best known owl research scientist estimated that there would be about 20–30 territories in the Sydney basin. By the end of the 2012 breeding season, the volunteer project members had helped establish 47 known territories, nearly double Dr Kavanagh’s original and conservative estimate!

To join this exciting volunteer project, e-mail and the kind folks at Birdlife will get back to you. They hold orientation workshops/talks in different areas around Sydney and Newcastle/Central Coast areas.

Here is a gallery of Akos’s photos and more information.

Biological Control of Crofton Weed

Partnering with the NSW community for large-scale releases of a new agent

By Louise Morin, CSIRO Biosecurity Flagship

A new biological control agent for crofton weed, the rust fungus Baeodromus eupatorii, is now available for widespread release in NSW.

The CSIRO Biosecurity Flagship, with support from the NSW Weeds Action Program administered by the Department of Primary Industries, is undertaking a release program in partnership with the community in 2015 to facilitate releases of the fungus at several strategic locations across the range of crofton weed in NSW.

Crofton weed (Ageratina adenophora) produces copious quantities of windborne seeds, spreads rapidly and once established at a site reduces its agricultural or ecological value.

Crofton weed is declared as a class 4 noxious weed in several local government areas along the NSW coast. This means that its growth must be managed in a manner that continuously inhibits its ability to spread. While crofton weed can be managed by manual removal and herbicide applications, the extent of current infestations and their inaccessibility in some instances make control with traditional methods uneconomical and impractical. Biological control is the only sustainable method to control crofton weed at the landscape scale and reduce spread and infestation of new sites in NSW.

Biological control relies on highly specific natural enemies introduced from native range of the target weed to help achieve sustainable control. In the 1950s, two biological control agents were introduced for crofton weed in Australia: the fly — Procecidochares utilis, that causes galls on stems, and the leaf spot fungus — Passalora ageratinae, that causes necrotic lesions on old leaves.

While these agents cause some damage on plants, their impacts on populations of the weed have been negligible. The crofton weed rust fungus, which originates from Mexico, has recently been investigated to enhance biological control of this widespread, coastal weed in eastern Australia. It infects young leaves and stems of crofton weed and has great potential to reduce competitiveness, reproduction and spread of the weed.

The rust fungus was thoroughly tested to demonstrate that it would not pose a threat to economic and native plant species before it was approved for release in Australia in May 2014. During winter 2014, the fungus was released at five sites within national parks and conservation areas on the NSW South Coast and north of Sydney.

These initial experimental releases demonstrated that the fungus can establish readily in the field providing that the material used for release lasts for several days and that conditions are conducive for infection at some stage during that period.

Close up of crofton weed rust fungus pustules on the underside of the leaf photo by K. Turner

Close up of crofton weed rust fungus pustules on the underside of the leaf photo by K. Turner

If you are interested in participating in the release program, please contact us. Rust-infected material suitable to make releases will be provided at no cost to community members either via the post or at field days (locations and dates TBA). Participants will be provided with simple guidelines on how to make the release and to monitor establishment and spread of the agent. In return, they will be expected to provide details on their release site and feedback on their monitoring activities.

For more information contact:

CSIRO Biosecurity Flagship, Canberra

Dr Louise Morin, Tel: (02) 6246 4355,

Mr John Lester, Tel: (02) 6246 4325,

Blue Mountains Skink Surveys

Sarsha Gorissen is seeking volunteers for a conservation project in the Blue Mountains and Newnes Plateau for her PhD project: Conserving the endangered fauna of highland swamps.

Little is known about the flora and fauna in the endangered ecological community of highland peat swamps. We hope to improve management of these ecosystems by researching in particular the threatened reptiles and amphibians of these swamps, with a focus on an endangered lizard species.

Fieldwork Surveys — biotic and abiotic

  • measuring and identifying reptiles, amphibians and small mammals
  • capture/recapture trapping using pitfall and funnel traps
  • temperature logging
  • data entry
  • equipment maintenance
  • vegetation surveys
  • fire ecology experiments
  • driving


Blue Mountains and Newnes Plateau


Committed, capable and hard-working; interested in fieldwork; can travel to the Blue Mountains; preferably have a BSc


Seeking now volunteers for the Summer season.

Work is on weekdays, seldom weekends; between 2 and 8 hours/day; ideally, 3 days/week, usually Tues–Thurs afternoons and evenings, but days are weather dependent.

The fieldwork season is normally all “summer”, that is, spring (Sept-Nov), summer (Dec-Feb) and autumn (Mar-May). Work will continue in the summer of 2014/15. Any time you can commit is appreciated.

Please contact

Sarsha Gorissen is a PhD Candidate at the School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney.

Larval burrow morphology and groundwater dependence in the endangered Giant Dragonfly

A recent journal paper by local ecologist Dr Ian Baird (, on larval burrow morphology and groundwater dependence in the endangered Giant Dragonfly, Petalura gigantea, may be of interest to bushcarers.


The following abstract is from the paper:

“Most species of petalurid dragonflies have a fossorial larval stage, which is unique in the Odonata. Larvae typically excavate burrows in soft peaty soils in mires, seepages or along stream margins, which are occupied by a single larva throughout the long larval stage. This paper reports on a study of burrow morphology in Petalura gigantea, with the objectives of describing their burrows, documenting any variability in burrow morphology across the hydrogeomorphic range of habitats used by the species, identifying factors contributing to any such variability, resolving questions in relation to the single previous illustration of a burrow system and identifying the level of groundwater dependence of larvae. The species was found to be an obligate, groundwater dependent, mire-dwelling species with well-maintained and sometimes complex burrows. Burrow complexity and morphological variation are inferred to be a response by larvae to the hydrogeomorphic characteristics of the habitat and substrate attributes. All burrows were occupied by a single larva, consistent with previous observations of other fossorial petalurids, but in contrast to the previous description of a P. gigantea burrow complex occupied by multiple larvae. The functional role of identified burrow features is discussed. Although the fossorial larval habit confers ecological benefits, the species’ groundwater dependence and restriction to mire habitats places it at increased risk in the event of any reduction in groundwater availability, more intense fire regimes, and the potential compounding effects of rapid climate change.”

Baird, I.R.C. (2014). Larval burrow morphology and groundwater dependence in a mire-dwelling dragonfly, Petalura gigantea (Odonata: Petaluridae). International Journal of Odonatology, 17, 101-121. doi:10.1080/13887890.2014.932312

Factors influencing deoxygenation following an unintended whole of water body herbicide treatment of aquatic weed cabomba in a natural wetland in the Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia

This Paper was presented by Aquatic Systems Officer Christina Day at a National Conference

 Christina Day 1, Ian A. Wright2, Amy St Lawrence1, Robert Setter1, Geoffrey Smith1

  1. Environment Branch, Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba, NSW, 2780.
  2. School of Science and Health, University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith, NSW 2751.

Key Points

  • The recently registered SharkTM Aquatic Herbicide (240g/L carfentrazone-ethyl) was used at Glenbrook Lagoon to treat an infestation of cabomba, one of the first applications of this scale in Australia.
  • Water quality and ecological effects were monitored to determine the impacts of the herbicide on a large natural water body.
  • One year later, monitoring programs show a return to healthy dissolved oxygen levels; a healthy population of native fish and turtles; and no evidence of cabomba or weed water lily.
  • This case study highlights the challenges involved with planning and implementing a large scale aquatic weed control program and the importance of understanding and careful consideration of the current physical, chemical and biological conditions of the individual water body being targeted.

Download the full Glenbrook Lagoon paper at: