A lovely day greeted us on the 27th February, we were all up early to meet the team from ABC Gardening Australia. Yes, Costa was here to talk with Aunty Sharyn, David and the Garguree Swampcare community about The Gully and Garguree Swampcare.
There were Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoos which circled beautifully as they talked. The Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo is seen as a Spirit bird by some of the community which calls out for people and Country. It feels great to know the Gully story of healing and restoration will be shared with more and more people.
About 40 Garguree Swampcare volunteers turned up and we had a proper Bushcare session with multiple takes and the Gully Traditional Owners are thankful for the communities ongoing support to help restore the natural bushland of the Gully. There is a stronger sense of community growing day by day at this beautiful site. We planted about 200 wonderful swamp plants supplied to us by Blue Mountains Wildplant Rescue Nursery, who also came along to help plant them (the plants are all doing fantastically).

After much talking, working, and filming Aunty Sharyn and David Welcomed us to Country and then we all shared a gorgeous morning tea with Costa and the lovely ABC Gardening Australia crew.

Jacqui from EarthSeedFire made the most fantastic bush tucker spread, Hominy Bakery supplied lovey cakes and pizzas, there was a campfire with Swampy Chai and many Garguree swampcarers brought treats to share. I think I heard Costa say it was the best spread they’ve had.

It was such an honour to be part of the day and part of The Gully story, watch out for the story in the next few months on Channel 2 ABC Gardening Australia Friday 7.30pm.

Download the Fact Sheet derived from the questions asked by Gardening Australia pre-filming. In this fact sheet you will learn fascinating information about The Gully including how this significant site is co-managed with the Traditional Owners and Council, dominant plant communities, threatened plant / fauna species and communities, what weed species are being managed, how does the site change with the seasons (possibly undertaking cultural seasonal burning), and what are some of the biggest challenges.